The ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform is an initiative of the Carlos III Health Institute.
The Coordination team has organised the Platform’s structure into four scientific-technological HUBS, which include: Biobanks, Organoids, Animal Models and 3D Printing. This structure makes it possible to manage and supply biological samples and associated clinical data. In the interest of promoting and incrementing scientific-technological resources in biomedical research, the PISCIIIBB’s services include organoids, animal models and 3D printing.
The ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform has joined the European Biobanking Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC) as an observing member, acting as the national node in BBMRI-ERIC, one of the most relevant research platforms in the European Union.
Samples generated 2024
Samples delivered 2024
Requests served
Lung tissue stabilization method influences RNA quality
A recent study by the National Biobank Network published in Scientific Reports provides evidence on the influence of the lung tissue stabilization...
ISBER publishes the 4th edition of ‘Good Practices: Recommendations for Biobanks’ in Spanish
A new reference document is now available: ISBER has published in Spanish the fourth edition of 'Good Practices: Recommendations for Biobanks'. You...
Disponible el Informe de hitos de la RNBB en 2019
Ya podéis consultar el Informe de hitos conseguidos en 2019 por la Red Nacional de Biobancos. Este documento resume toda la actividad y resultados...