The ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform is an initiative of the Carlos III Health Institute.
The Coordination team has organised the Platform’s structure into four scientific-technological HUBS, which include: Biobanks, Organoids, Animal Models and 3D Printing. This structure makes it possible to manage and supply biological samples and associated clinical data. In the interest of promoting and incrementing scientific-technological resources in biomedical research, the PISCIIIBB’s services include organoids, animal models and 3D printing.
The ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform has joined the European Biobanking Infrastructure (BBMRI-ERIC) as an observing member, acting as the national node in BBMRI-ERIC, one of the most relevant research platforms in the European Union.
Samples generated 2024
Samples delivered 2024
Requests served
Informe de actualización para la obtención de consentimientos informados sobre COVID-19
Acabamos de publicar en nuestro apartado de documentos de interés el informe “Gestión por los biobancos de la RNBB de la obtención de los...
News on our website: ‘RNBB Guide for the handling of human samples in biomedical research. Recommendations for the COVID-19 pandemic ‘
The main objective of this guide, which we have just published in our documentation section on COVID-19 , is to facilitate and support research with...
Available the recording of the “Webinar sobre medidas de bioseguridad en el manejo de COVID-19 en biobancos”
You already have available the recording of the "Webinar on biosecurity measures in the management of COVID-19 in biobanks" organized by the Spanish...