The Biobank HUB of the ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform contains 57 Biobanks, 23 of them are attached biobanks incorporated since the first quarter of 2022. Our composition covers the entire geography of our country. The Biobank HUB’s purpose is to improve the competitiveness of Spanish biomedical and health research, providing researchers with centralised access to collections and data associated with the samples. Our cutting-edge services also include advising on issues in the ethical and legal realm. Since November 2021, Spain, under the coordination of the ISCIII, has been an observing member of the BBMRI-ERIC European Biobanking Network in order to provide the highest level of quality and services on an international level.

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PhD in Chemical Sciences (Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) from the Complutense University of Madrid. Eva has 30 years of professional experience in the healthcare system, university and biotechnology sector, in the field of oncology and immunology. In the latter years of her career, which encompass 17 years in Scandinavia working mainly in Switzerland at the University of Lund, Eva has worked both as a project leader in national innovation programs and as the coordinator of the Service Centre in southern Sweden, BBMRI.se (now Biobank Sweden) in the area of biobanks. Within this field, Eva has collaborated in the European consortium BBMRI-ERIC in working groups on quality. Since September 2019, she has served as Scientific Director of the CNIO biobank, Managing Director of the network RENACER (National Network of Cerebral Metastasis) and Coordinator of the Biobank Hub of the ISCIII National Biobanks and Biomodels Platform.

Ana Mª Torres
Lead researcher of the ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform (PT20/00045 Unit of the Ramón y Cajal University Hospital-IRYCIS). PhD in Biological Sciences and Master of Biobanks and Use of Human Biological Samples in Biomedical Research. Scientific Director of the Biobank. Member of the ISCIII Research Ethics Committee (2013-2020). Within the Biobanks Programme, she coordinates the working groups of the ELSI area organised into three topics: ETHICS, LAW AND SOCIETY. An ethical and legal consultancy has been constituted, designed to serve both the general public and professionals.

Roberto Bilbao
Director of the Basque Biobank.
Within the Biobank Hub, he coordinates three working groups:
– prices: homogenising the costs of the samples released by the biobanks
– catalogue: developing a standardised offering of samples and collections
– one-stop shop: establishing a single system for managing service and distribution requests for the biological samples from the biobanks comprising the Platform

Teresa Escámez
Coordinator of the IMIB Biobank Platform, member of the ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform (PT20/000109 Unit of the Biomedical Research Institute of Murcia, IMIB). PhD in Biology and Master of Biobanks and Use of Biological Human Samples in Biomedical Research and University Expert in Management, Control and Auditing of Quality Systems. Within the Biobanks Hub, she coordinates the working groups of the QUALITY area organised into three topics: MANAGEMENT, SAMPLE QUALITY AND ACCREDITATION/CERTIFICATION DATA.