1st Edition Course “Brain and retinal organoids derived from pluripotent stem cells”
From the SSPA Biobank, the 1st Edition Course “Brain and retinal organoids derived from pluripotent stem cells” is presented, which will be taught on March 27 and 28, 2025.
Below you will find all the information.
The purpose of the course presented is to provide specialized training for the generation, maintenance, characterization and use of different biomodels such as cell cultures and organoids, providing participants with the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for their generation.
Methodology: Theoretical – Practical.
Aimed at: Predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers in biohealth areas, personnel in the biohealth field, interested in working in the field of pluripotent stem cells (PSC) and organoids of the central nervous system.
Delivery date: March 27 and 28, 2025.
Registration period: open until March 5, 2025.
Teaching hours: 13 hours.
Venue: Center for Research, Technology and Innovation of the University of Seville (CITIUS), Av. de la Reina Mercedes, 4, 41012 Seville.
Accreditation: Accreditation of this activity has been requested according to the criteria of the National Commission for Continuing Training of the National Health System.
Theoretical sessions 1 and 2: Free until capacity is reached (100)
General Registration: €363 (VAT included).
Via website: www.biobancosspa.com
Filling out the attached registration form and sending it to formacion.biobancosspa.fps@juntadeandalucia.es
More information: 958 894 664