Transgenesis and Reproductive Biotechnology Service of the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia

The Transgenesis and Reproductive Biotechnology Service of the Institute of Biomedicine of Valencia offers internal and external services for the cryopreservation and rederivation of transgenic lines already generated, and in collaboration with the generation of transgenic models by CRISPR/Cas9 techniques and microinjection of ES cells in mouse blastocysts. For this purpose, it has a multipurpose laboratory and an embryo manipulation room consisting of an anti-vibration table, a microscope equipped with 2 micromanipulators, a femtojet drive system, 2 stereomicroscopes and a CO2 incubator. It has a stabling room for the maintenance of animal baselines (strains C57BL/6J, C75BL/6JRccHsd, DBA/2J, RjOrl:SWISS).


Techniques and services offered:

Pronuclear microinjection in mouse zygotes
Microinjection of ES cells into mouse blastocysts
Embryo cryopreservation (by vitrification)
Sperm cryopreservation
Rederivation of mouse strains by embryo transfer
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Cell chromosome number count

Responsible name and surname

Marta Casado Pinna

Postal address

Jaume Roig, 11. 46010. Valencia
