The IMIB Unit offers scientific-technical services to biomedical research, accessible to users, of human biological samples, CART cell models, animal models, 3D printing and associated metadata, and is also implementing the generation of lung organoids, all of them oriented to the European framework of BBMRI-ERIC. The IMIB Unit attends to requests in a personalised way, with on-off circuits, flexible and adaptable to the needs of users, which allow an urgent scientific response. The IMIB unit is coordinated by the IMIB Biobank (ISO 9001:2015 certified since 2018), a network biobank authorised according to RD1716/2011 (01/10/2013) and registered in the National Biobank Register (B.0000859).


o Sample collection (advice, processing and storage of human biological samples and associated data management).
o Consultation management (technical and ethical-legal advice for the use of human biological samples).
o Transfer of samples and data with activation of on-off sample collection circuits to support researchers who request it (management of requests at technical, committee and documentary level for internal and external samples and data).
o Custody of collections
o Molecular techniques
o Cellular techniques
Clean room:
o Manufacture of drugs for clinical trials (autologous and allogeneic, modified or not by fucosylation).
o Scientific advice for basic development of new therapies, procurement of cell lines for basic development, validation of investigational products and generation of the necessary documentation for approval by regulatory agencies of new investigational products, manufacture of plasma rich in growth factors, processing of amniotic membrane for large wounds.
o Quality control services under EU NCF and European Pharmacopoeia standards
o Necropsies
o Histochemistry
o Techniques and sample processing.
Animal facility:
o Booking of equipment
o Delivery and selection of animals for transfer or shipment to another institution
o Stabling of animals
o Delivery of animals externally
o Reservation of resources for experimentation.
Biomedical Informatics and Bioinformatics:
o Bibliometric analysis to search for patterns, genes, variants, etc.
o Software for the management of breeding and experimentation with laboratory animals.
o Software for the management of the life cycle of biological samples.
o Platform for managing, filtering and prioritising the results of germline genomic studies
o Web-based data collection notebooks
o Platform for combined explorative analysis of clinical and different omics data
o Integration of biomedical databases
o Standardisation of biomedical data
o Molecular data analysis using statistical techniques or machine learning (transcriptomics, metagenomics, epigenetics, metabolomics and proteomics)
o System for the evaluation of Scientific/Assistance indicators in Health Services.
o Data storage space.
o Quality analysis of nucleic acids.
o Microarrays: gene expression
o Microarrays: miRNA, methylation, splicing
o Real-time PCR: gene expression analysis, genotyping, pathogen and viral load detection
o Sequencing: amplicons, 16S metagenomics, exomes, RNASeq (mRNA and Total RNA)
o Genetic analysis
o Pyrosequencing: methylation analysis
o Technical advice.
3D printing:
o 3D scanning and digitisation
o 3D printing with different technologies and materials
o 3D design of biomedical elements
o Digital fabrication of prototypes
o Scientific calculation service
o Rendering services
o Infrared Thermography
o Creation of VR and AR content applied to health care
o High-speed image capture and processing
o Optical instrumentation
o Image capture for machine vision and industrial imaging
o 3D Bioprinting
o Medical simulation service
o Biomechanical and electromyographic data capture service o Biomechanical and electromyographic data capture service

Responsible name and surname

Luis Vicente García-Marcos Álvarez

Postal address

Biobanco IMIB.Edificio LAIB. Laboratorios 0.13 y 0.14. Campus de Ciencias de la Salud Carretera Buenavista, s/n El Palmar, (MurcI) - 30120 MURCIA
