Biobanco IIS Galicia Sur

Biobanco IIS Galicia Sur

The IIS Galicia Sur Biobank is a research support platform of the Galicia Sur Health Research Institute, which collects processes and stores biological samples of human origin, in optimal conditions, to be used in the field of biomedical research. In addition, it offers scientific-technical and consulting services to researchers.
It was authorized by the Consellería de Sanidade (Xunta de Galicia) on July 17, 2013 and it is registered with reference B.0000802 in the National Register of Biobanks.
The Quality Management System of the IIS Galicia Sur Biobank is certified in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard.


Main Collections:

  • Neurological Tissue Bank (Prionopathies, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. Muscle biopsies of muscular dystrophies, congenital myopathies, metabolic myopathies, inflammatory myopathies, toxic myopathies and others)
  • Tumor Bank (Carcinomas, lymphomas, metastases of different origins and benign neoplasms of the central nervous system)
  • Covid cohort (open cohort of COVID-19 patients from the Vigo health area associated with a repository of biological samples)
  • PIBAdb Image Cohort (open cohort of videos and images of colorectal polyps classified morphologically and with histological study)
  • Others (Sample collections from: patients with Multiple Sclerosis, patients treated with Immunotherapy, young patients with Ischemic Heart Disease, Pregnant Women)


  • Storage and custody of samples.
  • Processing of samples (blood, tissues and others) and obtaining derivatives (serum, plasma, DNA, RNA, PBMCs and others).
  • Quality control of samples.
  • Release of samples for research (pathological and control samples).
  • Ethical-legal advice for the creation and use of sample collections.

Responsible name and surname

Susana Teijeira Bautista

Postal address

Hospital Álvaro Cunqueiro - Bloque Técnico, planta 2. Avda. Clara Campoamor, 341. 36312, Vigo
