The ANIMAL MODEL HUB of the ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform, with 18 units spread throughout the country, offers the highest quality and cutting-edge services in the advising and execution of animal experimentation models which encompass a wide number species (eg Drosophila, Mus musculus, and Danio rerio, among others) as well as numerous experimental techniques. Our portfolio also includes advising on issues in the ethical and legal realm.

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Graduated in Veterinary Science from the University of Extremadura in 1992. Superior Technical Degree in Healthcare Organisation and Administration in 2005. Coordinator of the Technological Training Centre for Integrated Operations Management of A Coruña from 2009 to the present, a centre dedicated to offering resources and services for training, practice and research in the healthcare setting. Experimental Surgery Unit Director at the University Hospital Complex of A Coruña from 2005 to the present. Director of the Platform for Animal Experimentation to Support Research of the INIBIC – Biomedical Research Institute of A Coruña. Founding member of the Spanish Society for Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety (SESSEP), Member of the Board of Directors and head of the SESSEP’s surgical simulation working group from 2012 to 2015. He has been a member of the SESSEP Scientific Committee since 2017, a member of the Spanish Society for Laboratory Animal Sciences (SECAL), a member of the Spanish Microsurgery Association (AEM) and a member of the Research Commission (CI_XXIAC) of Integrated Operations Management in A Coruña from 2009 to the present. President of the Animal Experimentation Ethical Committee (CEEA) of the University Hospital Complex of A Coruña. He is the author of 61 indexed publications from the last 10 years, with an H index of 11 and 18 research projects funded by the national plan, European sources or private entities. He has participated as an instructor in over 100 national and international courses.

Manuel Sánchez-Martín is a lecturer at the Department of Medicine of the University of Salamanca (USAL), and he is running the USAL Transgenic facility since 2014. He obtained his PhD with “outstanding cum laude” qualification and the “Extraordinary Award” for his thesis work. After that, he gained a postdoctoral fellowship by AECC and then a postdoctoral research position under “Ramón y Cajal National Research Program”. He became as assistant professor at USAL Department of Medicine in 2010 reaching the position of lecturer in 2020. He has participated as IP in national and regional research projects, and recently he is IP of the “Genetically engineered mouse unit of the ISCIII Biomodels and Biobanks Platform PT23 of the Carlos III Health Institute. Currently, he co-authored more than 60 scientific publications mainly in relevant Q1 journals (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8370-1336).
Linked to this research career, Dr. Sánchez-Martín has carried out several teaching tasks, at the Pharmacy, Biotechnology and Medicine schools. Currently, Dr. Sánchez-Martín, combines his teaching and research tasks with the direction of the Transgenesis Facility and also participates as an external evaluator of the CSIC ethics committee. He is an active member of Spanish society for the laboratory animal (SECAL), Red de Terapias Avanzadas (TERAV), Sociedad Española de Terapia Génica y Celular (SETGYC), European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST action, GenE-Humdi Work group) and the International Society for Transgenic Technology (ISTT).

Anxo Vidal
Is a physiology professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela and head of the Cell Cycle and Oncology Group at the Centre for Research in Molecular Medicine and Chronic Diseases (CiMUS), associated with the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS). Since 2016 he has directed the Centre for Experimental Biomedicine (CEBEGA), a research facility dedicated to animal experimentation. He coordinates the Techniques and Technologies working group within the animal model hub of the ISCIII biobanks and biomodels platform.

Doctor in Biology (1997) from the University of Salamanca (USAL), he has developed his research career in the Department of Physiology and Pharmacology of the USAL (1992-1998); in the Unité 315 of INSERM, currently UMR 1068; “Centre de Cancérologie de Marseille”, France (1998-2000) and in the Cancer Research Center of Salamanca (2000-2010). He is currently a staff researcher (I3-SNS) at the Institute of Biomedical Research of Salamanca (IBSAL); Technical Coordinator of the Carlos III National DNA Bank (since 2004) and, since 2019, Director of the Research Support Services, Nucleus, at USAL. He is also a member of the external scientific committees of the Biobank of the Andalusian Public Health System (Biobank SSPA), the Biobank IIB Sant Pau and the Biobank in Network of Oncological Diseases of Castilla y León (BEOCyL). He has been a member of the Research Ethics and Animal Welfare Committee (CEIyBA) of the ISCIII between 2014 and 2016 and member of the Research Ethics Committee (CEI) of the ISCIII between 2016 and 2024.