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Rubén I. García Fernández
Degree in Industrial Technical Engineering from EHU, Master in Biomedical Engineering from UB/UPC and Postgraduate Degree in Medical Imaging and 3D Printing from UPC. Since 2016, he has worked in the Innovation Unit of OSI EECruces – IIS Biocruces Bizkaia, promoting the implementation of new technologies in the health sector.
He collaborates in the 3D BIOPRINTING working group as a technical consultant.

María Gloria Álvarez Caballero
Graduated in Biomedical Engineering, specializing in bioengineering: medical devices, biomaterials, and biomechanics, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). MSc in Biomedical Engineering, specializing in advanced implant design techniques and tissue engineering, from the Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV). Instructor in Clinical Simulation by the Center for Medical Simulation (Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology). Head of the Equipment Department in Coruña and Cee Health Area. Quality manager of the Simulation and 3D Printing Platform in Coruña and Cee Health Area (SIMIM3D). Co-coordinator of the 3DPRINTING HUB at ISCIII Biomodels and Biobanks Platform. Member of the European 3D in Hospitals Special Interest Group (3DSIG) and the Technical Working Group at the Spanish Society of Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety (SESSEP).
Ines Jauregui Monasterio
Laura Escot Garcia

Cristian Passera
Biomedical engineer of the PT20/00136 platform of the Centro Tecnológico de Formación del Área Sanitaria da Coruña e Cee. He is part of the coordination of the Ethical-Legal Working Group of the 3D (bio)print hub of the ISCIII Biobanks and Biomodels Platform.